How right is Next Level English for me?

Answer five easy questions, and get an immediate result and detailed explanation.

Helpful user stories

Andrea needs Simply Better English


Anna works at an organization where some customers and colleagues need to speak English with her. She needs to feel confident speaking English about products and services and things that happen at work. But more than that, she wants to be more natural and empathic with people the way she sees native English speakers she knows and on television be.

To make this happen, she wants the flexibility of an online course customized for her work vocabulary and processes. Next Level English lets her at her own speed and focus on what she needs to say and the professional communication insights and tools she needs.

Mark needs Simply Better English


Florian would like to improve his English. He feels that English implies a different way of interacting with customers and colleagues. He would like to understand that better and wants his English course to focus the learning what he needs to do with his customers and/or colleagues in English.

His challenges are that his schedule changes a lot. He often does not have the time to attend regular classes in a physical location. But he is worried that such a course will be unrelated to his lifeworld and won't motivate him enough. Next Level English guides him through a 12 week learning sprint of 10-15 min. daily exercises related to things he does and experiences every day. These short exercises let Mark stay motivated as he experience his ability and confidence grow in small manageble steps.

Five keys to Next Level English being right for your

Your level

Neither too low nor too high

If you are a low beginner (A1) this course will probably be too difficult for you. And if your English is already too good (C1/C2) it might not be enough of a challenge for you. The course will be too difficult for you if you cannot understand slow spoken easy to understand English in the videos and during the Zoom webinars. It will be too boring if you have already mastered most of the things you will learn in the course.

Check out this helpful level chart to help you decide. Or, if you need more detail, here is the official CEFR chart in English and in German.

Your need

Enough pain to stay motivated

The more you need English the more your English will improve in the course. Our experience tells us that it might be too difficult to motivate yourself to do what you need to succeed in the course if you do not need English at work or for an urgent private event or relationship.

The following bad 'joke' can help make the point: How do you get an 80-year-old to learn English fast? Get him or her a 25-year-old lover. The point is that it is very hard to change when there is no reason to change. That is, when not changing does not cause enough pain.

Time commitment

Enough time to turn what you learn into a habit

The more committed you are to practicing at least 5-15 minutes a day the faster this course can help you improve.

Some people say that it takes 21 days to change a habit. For example, if you want to get in the habit of getting up earlier (not forcing your self out of bed after hitting the snooze button 7 times), you need to do it twenty-one days in a row. The point is that what you do not do regularly is very hard to learn, and even harder to make into an automatic habit.

Next Level English breaks English up into small steps that you can practise any time anywhere. But that means that to succeed in the course you need to in fact practice every small step!


Being open to new ways of seeing, thinking about, feeling your lived world

The more open you are to new ways of seeing, thinking, and feeling about your lived world, the faster you can improve your English.

One of the most challenging and rewarding parts of improving your English is accepting that English does not map the universe and does not prioritize what must be communicated the same way as your native language does. Much more than translating your native language word for word into English, improving your English asks you to see, think, and feel about the world in a different way.

Open Next Level English courses for individuals trains this different seeing, thinking, and feeling. That is what makes it meaningful, instead of mechanical.

Comfort and acceptance

Being comfortable making mistakes and accepting help from others

The more comfortable you are making mistakes the more likely you are to let other people help you when you do, and the easier it will be to improve very fast in this course.

One challenge to learning a language is that everything happens at once: and you cannot be perfect in everything at once. The only way to focus on what you are learning one step at a time, is to ignore as much of everything else as possible. Next Level English explains and trains this. This works best when you are comfortable making mistakes in steps you have not mastered.

Another challenge is not carrying the burden ‘to be perfect’ all by yourself. When you are speaking English one or more people are involved. This course teaches you how to use the people you are talking with as your teachers. People who are comfortable making mistakes tend to also be comfortable accepting help from others.

* Answer the questionnaire again if you change your mind on one or both of these questions. 
