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All of Alexander Harmsen's international seminars and courses are provided in-person and are one by one being transformed into best in class online courses for individuals and private groups. Next Level English has gone through three updates since 2020. The rest are coming soon.

The Next Level Academy Next Level English logo
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Main image of next level academy take your communication to the next level
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Main image of next level academy take your presentation to the next level
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Next level Academy

For all who need to feel good speaking English, maintain rapport with customers and colleagues, and present their ideas and needs in ways that are immediately understood and supported. 

Next Level English is your best way to master English. A step-by-step mastery process that works and explanations that make sense. Available in free and paid versions. Helping everyone whoneeds more confident English.


Next Level English is your best way to master English. A step-by-step mastery process that works and explanations that make sense. Available in free and paid versions. Helping everyone whoneeds more confident English.

Next Level English brings language learning to life in a way that speaks to you and inspires you to improve fast.

Meike L.

It’s been really the best language course I’ve ever taken part in. A great 5-10 minute a day way to improve quickly.

Sandra B.

Thank you, Alexander, for this experience. I never thought that I could improve so much so quickly.

Oliver H.


Next Level Communication optimizes how we talk to ourselves and others. The better we do it, the better our relationships, results, and reputations. Interacting and collaborating are key, no matter our professional role. The goal: being more skillful, resilient and at ease in challenging professional and private interactions. The result: relating better to yourself, colleagues, subordinates, superiors, customers and vendors.


Next Level Communication optimizes how we talk to ourselves and others. The better we do it, the better our relationships, results, and reputations. Interacting and collaborating are key, no matter our professional role. The goal: being more skillful, resilient and at ease in challenging professional and private interactions. The result: relating better to yourself, colleagues, subordinates, superiors, customers and vendors.

“An all around brilliant way to develop the communication competencies that matter!”


“It is fantastic to get such fundamental skills for life at work. Thank you!”


“Applicable everywhere, these tools are a compass for all interactions.”



Next Level Presentation training and coaching laser focuses ideas, products, services, and presenters so that they shine and convince. There is no better way for individual and department presentations to inspire corporate, corporate to impress global, research projects and their PIs to convince juries, and Mergers & Acquisitions candidates and institutions to powerfully project their vision and value.


Next Level  Presentation training and coaching laser focuses ideas, products, services and presenters so that they shine and convince. There is no better way for individual and department presentations to inspire corporate, corporate to impress global, research projects and their PIs to convince juries, and Mergers & Acquisitions candidates and institutions to powerfully project their vision and value.

“Alexander helped me focus messages that convinced a key jury. I was impressed by his professionalism and skill.”


"Alexander helped me bring out the essence of my presentation many times, when it mattered most.”


“No better way to crystallize a powerful goal-driven presentation story-line, nail the wording, and present well.”


Next Level English is for students and advanced pupils

Students and advanced pupils

English learning for in person customer consultants in official departments such as tax departments and job centers

Government Agencies / NGOs

English learning for in person customer consultants

Healthcare and Insurance

Next Level English is for family life

Family Life and Relationships

English learning for telephone customer consultants in call centers

Call Centers

English course for in person customer service agents the the manufacturing and insurance sectors

Sales and Support

Next Level English is for students and advanced pupils


Next Level English is for all the trades

Trades People

An English course for empathic respectul customer relationships

International Business

Next Level English is for students and advanced pupils

Students and

advanced pupils

English learning for in person customer consultants in official departments such as tax departments and job centers

Government Agencies

and NGOs

English learning for in person customer consultants


and Insurance

Next Level English is for family life

Family Life and


English learning for telephone customer consultants in call centers



English course for in person customer service agents the the manufacturing and insurance sectors


and Support

Next Level English is for students and advanced pupils


Next Level English is for all the trades



An English course for empathic respectul customer relationships



Participant feedback 2020 to 2024

Aggregate anonymous course evaluation

Average star rating:

4-5 star rating

33.33% gave the course a 4 star, and 62,22% a 5 rating.

Enjoyed it!

44.44% enjoyed and 52,56% very much enjoyed the live online sessions.


For 27.27% the course was helpful for their daily work, for 59,09% very helpful.


For 20% the online platform was comfortable, for 47,50% very, and for 32,50 % completely comfortable.

Easily understood

For 44,74% most, and for 50% all the online self-study video lessons were easy to understand.

Recommend it!

35.14% would recommend, and 64,86% would highly recommend the course to their colleages and friends.
