Communication Courses
Um processo de domínio que funciona e explicações que fazem sentido.
"Competencies that matter"
"Competências fundamentais para a vida"
"A compass for all interactions"
Curso privado
One time payment
Your private all-access mastery platform. The free course supercharged with the workbook, handouts, exercises, bonus lessons, and much more.
Free or by donation
Master communication excellence with step by step lessons that make sense and a mastery process that works. Coming soon!
Curso em grupo
Half at start and half at end
Your customized group communication learning journey. A twelve week guided learning-by-doing experience with 12 live practice sessions.
1. Discuss, 2. Offer, 3. Delivery
+49 07531 584 9122
In-house Seminar
Half at start and half at completion
A 2-day intensive learning my doing seminar. Master all the principles in the form of a game and apply to everyday communication challenges.
1. Discuss, 2. Offer, 3. Delivery
+49 07531 584 9122
Todos os preços são em EURO sem IVA.
Enjoyment and results guaranteed
I am 100% committed to making your course the most effective and fun training and development you or your participants have or will ever have taken part in.
Alexandre Harmsen
Fundador e principal formador e treinador Next Level Academy
Uma forma brilhante de desenvolver as competências de comunicação que interessam!
É fantástico obter competências tão fundamentais para a vida profissional. Obrigado!?
Aplicáveis em todo o lado, estas ferramentas são uma bússola para todas as interacções?