Minimize friction, maximize rapport!

"An interaction compass"

"Fundamental skills for life"

"All around brilliant"


Master communication excellence with step by step lessons that make sense and a mastery process that works.

0,00 €

All lessons free on Youtube

All lessons free on Facebook

All lessons free on LinkedIN

Guided online course

Your private compact learning platform and process. Lifetime access with everything you need to succeed.

197,00 €

Lifetime access

Compact optimized lessons

12 week guided learning sprint

Support documentation

Motivation and self-test emails

Exercises and additional content per step

Complettion Certificates

Private group seminar

Your private group in-house or online communication seminar. A two-day learning by doing communicaiton exploration.

$3997 €

Everything in guided online course

Two day intensive learning by doing in-house seminar (supported with pre- and post- online access)

Or twelve 60 minute live group online training sessions

Complettion Certificates

Satisfaction survey

Customized seminar

Private group seminar customized for your team-building, negotiation, sales, and/or leadership goals and expectations.

$4797 €

Everything in the private group seminar

Customized to a variety of communication contexts and outcome:

sales teams, leadership trainees, negotiations, consulting

Complettion Certificates

Satisfaction survey

All pricing is in EURO excluding MwSt.

Enjoyment and results guarantee

I am 100% committed to making your course the most effective and fun course you or your participants have or will ever have taken part in. 

Large Alexander Harmsen Signature

Alexander Harmsen

Founder and lead Next Level Academy trainer and coach

I am also still successfully using many of the methods and concepts to help me and my team connect and communicate better.

Edward J.

Senior Account Manager

Everything I trained helps me connect to others and establish the trust to stay connected.

Thillo K.

Multinational OEM Sales Director
